Engineered Wood Siding Pros And Cons

Are you a homeowner mulling over the best siding for your home? Choosing can be tough, especially with numerous options like vinyl siding, traditional wood siding or engineered wood siding.

This blog post will provide you an in-depth analysis of a popular option – engineered wood siding, clearly stating its pros and cons. Let’s dive into it and make your decision-making process easier!

Men Installing Engioneered Wood Siding

Key Takeaways

Pros of Engineered Wood Siding

Engineered wood siding offers numerous advantages to homeowners including its low maintenance nature, a vast array of style options to match any aesthetic, eco-friendly production process and enhanced longevity.

Engineered wood siding stands out for its low maintenance needs. Unlike traditional wood, it doesn’t require constant staining or painting to keep it looking fresh and vibrant. This feature helps reduce the amount of time, energy, and money homeowners spend on upkeep tasks throughout the year.

Engineered wood siding only needs a simple wash-down with a hose occasionally to remove any dirt or grime buildup. In essence, this product brings you peace of mind as you won’t constantly worry about tedious servicing schedules.

Engineered wood siding comes in a plethora of styles to match any home aesthetic. You can select from options that mimic traditional wood, vinyl siding or even soffit designs. This versatility makes it an excellent choice for homeowners who wish to customize their home’s exterior.

Manufacturers offer this product in an array of colors, textures and finishes as well. You could opt for smooth panels or go with grain patterns that replicate real wood.
With engineered wood siding, you get style flexibility like no other material offers.

Unlike vinyl siding, which emits harmful chemicals during production and disposal, engineered wood uses less primary resources.

Manufacturers often utilize fast-growing species or recycled wood fibers, reducing demands on our forests. Plus, the production process wastes very little material and most engineered products are recyclable at the end of their lifespan.

This makes engineered wood siding a sustainable choice that appeals to green-conscious homeowners.

Engineered wood siding offers superior longevity compared to traditional wood. It withstands harsh weather conditions, withstanding both hot summers and cold winters without warping or cracking.

This durability extends the lifespan of your home’s exterior, lessening the need for frequent replacements. Even better, it retains its attractive appearance year after year, preserving your property’s curb appeal.

Cons of Engineered Wood Siding

While engineered wood siding offers numerous benefits, it’s important to note the downsides such as its higher cost compared to traditional wood, susceptibility to water damage, and need for specific tools during installation. Let’s delve into these challenges in detail below.

Engineered wood siding may indeed put a larger dent in your wallet compared to traditional wood. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to pay up to 30% more for this type of siding, elevating the overall costs of their home improvement project.
While these figures can sound intimidating, consider this: engineered wood siding typically outlasts traditional wood. Its durability and lower maintenance often justify the higher upfront cost over time.

Still, if you’re looking at initial expenditures alone, opting for engineered wood siding will undoubtedly mean shelling out more cash than with classic wood options.

Engineered wood siding, despite its many benefits, falls short in durability compared to some other siding options such as brick or vinyl. Homeowners often consider this factor crucial when deciding on their home’s exterior material.

For instance, harsh weather conditions can cause engineered wood to crack or warp over time. Insects and pests also pose a potential threat to its longevity. This relatively low durability may lead to more frequent repairs and replacements, adding unanticipated costs in the long run for homeowners.

Installing engineered wood siding is not always an easy task. It often calls for the use of special tools that are not commonly found in a typical homeowner’s garage or toolkit. Power shears, finish nailers and circular saws may be among the required equipment you’ll need.

Consider hiring a professional to handle the installation if you’re unsure about handling these tools yourself, as incorrect installation can lead to damages like warping and buckling which would cost more to fix down the line.

This additional expense could outweigh vinyl siding or other options, despite their lesser durability compared to engineered wood siding.

Engineered wood siding, like traditional wood and vinyl siding, absorbs water over time. This water absorption often leads to swelling, warping, or even rotting of the material. If your home resides in a region with high levels of rainfall or humidity, it could potentially face this issue more frequently.

Regular maintenance and proper installation can help reduce the risk of such damage. However, homeowners should be mindful that improper care may result in costly repairs or complete replacement of the soffit on your engineered wood siding.

Pros of Engineered Wood Siding Cons of Engineered Wood Siding
Low maintenance Higher cost compared to traditional wood
Wide variety of styles Not as durable as other siding options
Eco-friendly May require special tools for installation
Long-lasting Can be prone to water damage


Choosing engineered wood siding offers many advantages such as low maintenance, diverse styles, and eco-friendliness. However, it comes with a few drawbacks like higher costs, potential durability issues and susceptibility to water damage.

It’s important for homeowners to weigh these pros and cons to make an informed decision that best suits their needs.


Engineered wood siding is durable, low-cost, and offers high insulation values, making it an energy-efficient choice.
Some downsides to consider might include susceptibility to moisture damage if not properly maintained, and the possibility of color fading over time due to weather exposure.
No, generally speaking, engineered wood siding tends to be less expensive than authentic wooden planks because it’s manufactured with a mix of real wood and other materials.
Although less demanding than traditional timber exteriors, engineered-wood sidings do still need regular care such as cleaning and occasional repainting or re-staining to ensure its longevity.

While it’s possible for handy homeowners to install their own siding, hiring professional contractors ensures accurate siding installation that complies with warranty stipulations.